Crossing the Equator
There are some comforts I miss when travelling. The taste of freshly spread vegemite on toast, the sound of locals riding bounding kangaroos through through the city, the counterclockwise swirl of toilet water…
Most of my travels have been in the Northern Hemisphere and I will never get used to the strange clockwise habits of water on that strange side of the planet. It is simply unnerving for people from the land down under.
After three weeks of backwards water I finally crossed over to the Earths bottom half. Because bottom halves are always where the fun starts.
Crossing the equator in Uganda was such a memorable moment that I made sure to get the tackiest tourist photo and first in line for the toilet.
It may have been the most exciting toilet stop from any bus journey I had been on, and not just because I had finished a 1.5L bottle of water in the past hour.
It was a real shame that the flush on the toilet was broken…